
Welcome to the site of the church sewing workshop Pokrove!

Our specialization is sewing vestments for priests, as well as clothes for baptism. In addition, here you can buy liturgical fabrics for vestments, galloons and accessories necessary for sewing the priests vestments. We ship liturgical vestments to any country in the world: USA, Canada, France, Italy, Poland, Australia, Russia, Ukraine. We sew vestments according to your measurements and taking into account any wishes. The vestments are sewn by experienced, highly qualified craftswomen, observing Orthodox canons and traditions.

We sew clothes professionally since 1992. The priority of our workshop is adherence to high quality standards, sewing quality and beautiful products for individual orders, which serve the glory of God and are comfortable for everyday wear. We create vestment patterns in a computer design system that exactly match your measurements. Garment that are tailored according to individual measurements fit your figure better, and are more convenient to move and perform services.

Every day we do our best to justify the trust of our clients, and we try to become even better and more professional in our field.

Sincerely yours, Pokrove workshop team.
